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Tipping in Paris?







How much should you tip, and for which services?

This is a weighty question for anyone visiting Paris or living in another country. Americans tend to forget that is gratuity is included in almost all restaurants bills and consequently over-tip. That said, there are occasions when tipping is appropriate. Here are some suggestions:


- Beauticians : 1.50 - 3.50 €

- Butcher : 1 - 2 € for special preparations

- Coat room attendant : 1 - 2 € per coat

- Doorman : 2 € for calling a taxi

- Hairdresser : 3 - 7 € to hairdresser, 1 - 2 € to shampoo person

- Porter : 1 - 2 € per bag

- Restaurants, cafés : 15 % service charge is often included in the bill and is usually noted on the menu as service compris. However, it is common to leave additional 0.20 € after coffee, and 1 - 2 € after lunch, and a bit more after dinner. If, however, the dinner was extremely fancy and impeccably served, 10% of the total bill is more appropriate.

- Taxi drivers : 10 - 15% of the fare

- Usher(ette) 1 € per person in your group

- Washroom attendant : 0.50 - 1 € if amount is not posted.